Monday Snaps
These are the students who deserve this week's snaps due to the great jobs they have done. Lysette Isimbi and Liza Imbonabake 2015...
Monday Snaps (Dec.14)
Jean Jacques cohort 2015 He took an initiative of sending an email on behalf of Angelo to inform us that Angelo is sick. Janvier Ishimwe...
Monday snaps
Ally Irakoze cohort 2015 Ally is a very disciplined student. He was very helpful and active in the Community and Showcase Event, and...
Monday Snaps (Nov. 23)
Abel Kwizera Cohort 2015 Aline Mutabazi Niyomizero cohort 2015 AsifiweRedempta cohort 2015 Elizabeth Kyakuhaire cohort 2015...
Monday Snaps
This week, we give snaps to student from cohort 2015, especially : Jean Jacques Iradukunda : Cohort 2015 Jean -Was quick to reply to an...
Monday snaps
Benchmark week snaps During the week of benchmark assessment, some students were highlighted due to their courage and passion they have...
Monday Snaps
Snaps go to: 1. Olga Benimana (Cohort 2015) She was active in class, asked probing and clarifying questions. 2. Claudine Niyonkuru...
Monday Snaps
Snaps go to: 1. Moise (Cohort 2015) Moise is hardworking boy and I always appreciate his answers in his courses; they are clear and...
Monday Snaps
Snaps goes to: Joe Felix: Cohort 2015 He reaches out to instructors for feedback. He is willing to make necessary changes. He articulates...
Monday Snaps
This Monday, we give snaps to: Sandrine Ishimwe (Cohort 2015) She participates more in MOTB-Class and helps her peers to understand hard...