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Monday Snaps

Snaps goes to:

Joe Felix: Cohort 2015

He reaches out to instructors for feedback. He is willing to make necessary changes. He articulates himself in a professional manner.

Redempta Asifiwe: Cohort 2015

She is always willing to share her thoughts even though the answer is not right. She is willing to learn and asks for clarification. She is always polite and punctual. She is eager to learn and improve.

Amitie Nkaka: Cohort 2015

He attends office hours to seek more support and goes beyond the requested activities.

Joseph Uwimana: Cohort 2015

Joseph Uwimana contributes a lot on the discussion board and constantly participate in class to help his colleagues understand the concepts.

Claude Uwihoreye: Cohort 2015

Claude Uwihoreye also contributes a lot on the discussion board and he is always willing to volunteer in class to help students in learning.

Annick Mbabajende: Cohort 2015

Annick Mbabajende follows directions in class and this enable her to produce quality works. she is also always on time

Sandrine Nikuze, Jean De Dieu Habaguhirwa: Cohort 2013, Diane Karire, Peninah Twongeirwe, Julienne Ishimwe: Cohort 2014

They were self-confident and eager to present. They were also asking questions for clarifications and supplementing their colleagues ideas. Also, Ezron Mucyo, and Christian Muhire fall under this team

Daniel Sibomana: Cohort 2014

Daniel is the newest member of the staff for the Kepler Tech Lab. Although he just joined us a week ago he is already taking a lot of responsibility and initiative in uploading documents onto Canvas and researching energy-related experiments that we can do in the lab. Great job Daniel!

Alphonse Habyarimana : Cohort 2014

Alphonse has been a great back-bone to the Kepler Tech Lab. Not only does he bring a lot of electronics expertise to the lab, but he is also a patient teacher. His role in planning one of the experiments for the electronics module has shown us that he has great ideas and ways of putting them into a practice! A great skill to have!

Salomon Beza: Cohort 2013

Thank you to Salomon who has patiently helped us in the Kepler Tech Lab to get the videos that we need for each class... sometimes when given only a few hours' notice! Thank you!

Redempta Asifiwe:Cohort 2015 She does well on assignment through following directions, using previous skills, and even asking clarifying questions to know specifically what she has to do on a particular assignment. She seeks help and support from Office Hours. She attends Office Hours and ask for feedback to improve on her assignment and know what she is supposed to do for next assignments.

Nadie Niyonkuru: Cohort 2015

She deserves snaps for working well on assignment through following well directions and using clear and well formatted spreadsheets in Excel. She participates a lot in class and helps her peers in groups to understand and overcome their struggles

Jean Damascene Ndayizeye: Cohort 2015

Jean Damascene Ndayizeye challenges the instructors with his ideas and provides support with evidence to find common ground. He always asking clarifying questions to gain more understanding.

Abel Kwizera: Cohort 2015

Abel Kwizera performs well and attends office hours to seek support and advice on how to learn better

Joshua Kawanguzi: Cohort 2015

Joshua has improved in class and assignments and his answers were spot on

Redempta Inema: Cohort 2015

Snaps to Redempta for attending prof. comp. office hours and bring a high level critical question about 'assumption' on the model exercise had been done in class, which demonstrated her presence and high level attention class discussions and willingness to apply skills learned in real life.

Anitha Dushimirimana: Cohort 2015

Anitha Dushimirimana deserves snaps because before the instructors discovers the problem s/he has , she is the one who takes the first step to come see them. Also, she very quick applies the feedback in time and make sure they are updated to avoid any delays.

Israel Cyuzuzo: Cohort 2015

Snaps to Isreal because he is doing successive excellent works(Assignments) in Methods Of Thinking for Business class and he is always well prepared in class. He is also very active on the discussion board, answering his colleagues questions.

Marie Claire Nyirahakolimana: Cohort 2015

She has improved in participation in class and on discussion board. She applies feedback right after receiving it and she asks clarifying questions in the office hours as well as in classroom

Joel Nshumbusho: Cohort 2014

The TAs meeting conflicted with Yellow Team meeting that some of them had and Joel came up with a suggestion to attend the TA meeting and be shared on materials for the Yellow Team meeting for them to read in their own free time and follow up with their teachers.

Rosine Mwiseneza: Cohort 2014 Rosine Mwiseneza: when we were about to have our meeting, she checked that out room was ready and finally found out that it was not ready. She then helped us look for another room

Vincent Shyirambere: Cohort 2015

Snaps to him for taking the initiative of typing, and sharing norms for our Book Club.

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