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Monday Snaps

Snaps go to:

1. Olga Benimana (Cohort 2015) She was active in class, asked probing and clarifying questions.

2. Claudine Niyonkuru (Cohort 2015)

During class instructors decided to look for and share a resource, and she was the first to make a follow up.

3. Olive Uwimana,(Cohort 2015)

During the last week, she has improved her participation in class by asking many clarifying and probing questions and answering to colleagues questions.

4. Ally Irakoze,(Cohort 2015)

He is eager to ask for feedback from instructors and colleagues in order to improve his works. He has also improved his participation in class by taking the lead in discussions, asking and taking initiative to answer to questions that arise in class

5.Solange Muhoza (Cohort 2015)

Solange –is motivated student who excite others to generate many ideas frequently in group activity (She is a good moderator)

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