Monday Snaps (Nov. 23)
Abel Kwizera Cohort 2015
Aline Mutabazi Niyomizero cohort 2015
AsifiweRedempta cohort 2015
Elizabeth Kyakuhaire cohort 2015
EvaristNizeyimana cohort 2015
Jean Eric Cyiza Mugabe cohort 2015
Joel Felix Ntwali cohort 2015
Linda Kirezi cohort 2015
LysetteIsimbi cohort 2015
Otto KavutseNiragire cohort 2015
PlantéJosuéNiyomugenga cohort 2015
Yvette Ishimwe cohort 2015
DorianeNdayisaba cohort 2015
EgideAbimana cohort 2015
AmalyUmutoniKarwera cohort 2015
Emmanuel Irumva cohort 2015
Jasmine UmubanoTuyishime cohort 2015
Jean Damascene Ndayizeye cohort 2015
Joshua Stephen Kawanguzi cohort 2015
Kerria Akimana cohort 2015
All these students did a great job on an Algebra assignment last week because they got 100%.
Alice Mukeshimana cohort 2014
Alice Mukeshimana completed all the 120 competencies of her AA degree.
Kerria Akimana & Doriane Ndayisaba cohort 2015
They have submitted their remediation work on time.
Anitha Dushimirimana cohort 2015
Anitha Dushimirimana is making a lot of improvement, in terms of seeking and applying feedback and being active in the class sessions.
Joseph Mugwaneza cohort 2015
Joseph Mugwaneza accepted the feedback given to him from peers and took it positively. He has started to apply it.
Denyse Uwamwezi cohort 2015
Denyse Uwamwezi did a tremendous job on her benchmark assessment. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine]
Jeanne Uwimana 2014 & Francois Hitimana 2014
[endif]Jeanne and Francois - These students Deserve snaps, because they completed their AA last week, though their deliverables are being reviewed by CFA reviewers, but they did a great job.