Monday Snaps
This Monday, we give snaps to:
Sandrine Ishimwe (Cohort 2015)
She participates more in MOTB-Class and helps her peers to understand hard concepts.
Karoli Kolokonyi (Cohort 2013)
Karoli has brought his enthusiasm to the science lab and excited all of his peers about the in-class activities. He constantly asks questions about what he doesn't understand and is one of the most-engaged students. Although he will not be continuing to take the science lab class because he has accepted a full-time job, I have no doubt that his enthusiasm and attention to detail will make him successful anywhere!
Falonne Rusamaza (Cohort 2014)
Falonne has put in so much effort in her science lab class and is continuously doing high-quality work. She attends office hours when there is something that she doesn't understand and works very well with her peers in the lab.
Athanase Nzayisenga (2014)
Athanase has worked above and beyond to make his section of the science lab a success. He has provided thorough feedback on pre-class assignments, spent many hours working on the experiment for the class, and independently learned a lot of Python programming. He is taking great initiative and as a result of his hard work, the class has been running above and beyond our expectations!
Rosine Mwiseneza (2014)
Rosine is one of the best circulators in the lab staff. When students are doing an independent activity, she moves from group to group and first quietly observes before giving the students the appropriate feedback. She has also taken our newest lab assistant under her wing and has shown him the ropes of how to use Canvas.
Vedaste Cyizere, Francis Hatungimana, Angelo Charmant, Henriette Sylvie (Cohort 2015 Green Team MOTB)
The above students receive feedback and immediately resubmitted their works after applying feedback. (Green Team MOTB)