Monday snaps

Ally Irakoze cohort 2015
Ally is a very disciplined student. He was very helpful and active in the Community and Showcase Event, and volunteered to do different activities that brought benefits to the event. Furthermore, Ally understands his strengths and weaknesses, and reaches out every time he feels like he needs feedback. He is generally a very outspoken and social student. Keep up the good work Ally!
Redempta Inema & Landry Sugira cohort 2015
Redempta and Landry always come in class being prepared and they take initiatives to clarify the directions for others as well as leading the discussions in their groups.
Angelo Igitego&Vincent Shyirambere cohort 2015
Vincent and Angelo performed very well in algebra final assessment, and they both got 48/49. [endif]
KerriaAkimana cohort 2015
Kerria consistently seeks support in order to improve on her work. She was given a deadline for next Friday, but she submitted it a week before the deadline.
Joe Felix Ntwali cohort 2015
Joe Felix communicated about his absences and not meeting deadlines to submit class work. He made sure there was a plan to make for his work.
Snaps to the students below for coming to class prepared, and submitting the pre-work activities on time.
Justine Mutuyimana cohort 2013,
Grace Kayitesi cohort 2014,
Clementine Uwizeyimana cohort 2014
Diana Umutoni cohort 2014