Students and Staff of the Month
Weya Marie Viatora (Cohort 2016)Effective Communicator and NetworkerArnaud Michel Nibaruta (Cohort 20016)Creative &Critical ThinkerElla Inin
Orientation Week Schedule (Week 13-18, June)
Hello All, Please take some time to go through the Orientation Week Schedule which will be used in the upcoming week. Reach out through...
Students of the Month
#announcements #home #feat
Higher Performers
Alphonse Habyarimana Athanase Nzayisenga Sylvain Nayituriki Julienne Ishimwe Albine Mwizera Alice Mutembesa Rosine Mwiseneza Daniel...
Performers Needed - Kepler Graduation Event
Hello, For the Kepler Graduation Event, we intend to have guests from different sectors and level. With this in mind, we would like to...
Graduation Event Announcement
Hello All, This is to let you know that the mid-year Kepler Graduation Event will take place on June 18, 2016. Here are some important...
Monday Snaps (Nov. 23)
Abel Kwizera Cohort 2015 Aline Mutabazi Niyomizero cohort 2015 AsifiweRedempta cohort 2015 Elizabeth Kyakuhaire cohort 2015...
Featured Student (Jean Nshimiyimana)
Featured Student: Jean Nshimiyimana This week’s featured student is Jean Nshimiyimana, the elected Kepler SGA President. Keep Up Kepler...
Featured Staff (Ernest Niyigena)
This week’s featured staff is Ernest Niyigena a course facilitator at Kepler. He has been highlighted due to his excellent work and...
SGA Committee Election Results
Hi Students, After waiting for many of you to participate in elections of SGA Committee, this is the list of your leaders in this...