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Featured Staff (Ernest Niyigena)

This week’s featured staff is Ernest Niyigena a course facilitator at Kepler. He has been highlighted due to his excellent work and contribution in Kepler community, to motivate students both in academic activities and other extracurricular activities.

Ernest do this in different ways, like motivational Monday snaps which has an importance of motivating and recognizing students, who have demonstrated a positive potential in their classes or in other outside class activities. “Instructors or educators are there, not only to teach students but to also motivate them and boost their potential.”Said Ernest. This belief influences him to always encourage students in all of his classes, being supportive and always ready to help them.

Apart from teaching classes and motivating students, Ernest also helps students to complete their CfA work. He is already highlighted by some first year student for being a good CfA advisor. Along with other CfA advisors, Ernest helps students to set goals and he checks whether those goals are accomplished and offer support in case students are struggling.

“Do the right thing, at the right time, in the right place.” Said by Ernest, as an advice to the entire Kepler community.

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