Video Streaming on the NAS
Hi all, I want to let you know that the CfA videos from Canvas courses are currently not working. We have (temporarily) unblocked YouTube...
Python class offered at Klab
Have you ever wanted to learn how to program? This is your chance! Take an online class from MIT with tutored work sessions at k-lab that...
Students& Staff of the Month
Effective and Tech Savvy Manager Name: Amitié Nkaka Rwibutso Cohort: 2015 Reasons: He applied all the skills he learned in his Book, and...
Cohort Meetings & Jan CfA Enrollment (Update)
Please note that all Cohort meetings are mandatory. You should come prepared to write and work through some activities together. Please...
Fight Against Malaria
Dear Kepler Community, This time there are many cases of malaria across Rwanda as well as at Kepler due to the increased number of...
Work Study Posting (Kepler Greeter)
Kepler is looking for a student to serve as a Kepler Greeter. This work study position requires a commitment of 10 hours per week. The...
Saturday Spraying Activity
Dear Students, Happy New Year! Based on the feedback we received from you, we would like to inform you that Saturday (12.Jun.2016),...
Women's Nutrition Workshops-Mandatory
There will be two mandatory women's nutrition workshops next week with Molly Parker. 2015 females will attend from 9-10am on Monday and...
Announcements to All Students
Hi All, I hope the break time was enjoyable for you; welcome back! I would like to share with you some announcements here under: Meeting...
Work Study Opportunity
Kepler is looking for 14 students to work as Kepler Safety Associates during a period of three months. This work study will require a...