Saturday Spraying Activity
Dear Students,
Happy New Year! Based on the feedback we received from you, we would like to inform you that Saturday (12.Jun.2016), there will be a spraying activity for some group-houses. Below we have shown the concerned houses, and the schedule of the activity.

For this activity, we have made changes based on the feedback you provided, such as:
We have changed the chemicals used, these chemicals have been tested and found more effective.
We have changed the company, now GOSHINE Ltd, a Kepler Students' Company, is taking all the responsibilities.
On spraying day, we would like everyone to leave almost everything in his/her room to be sprayed on, this may include bed covers and sheets, mattress, clothes and other room materials that may keep the bedbugs.
We would like everyone to make his/her room ready before the spraying time shown on the schedule
The remaining houses will be notified, when the next spraying activity will be.
If you have some problem/difficulties with spraying activity, please let nurse know before the activity day, she will help you fix the problem, and the spraying team will be notified about your case
Hygiene Coordinators