Education about Genocide (Closed)
Registration Deadline: Wednesday Dec. 2, at 5 pm In this course, students will have an over view about the origin or etymology of the...
Module Registration Round 5
There are 8 new modules. Before registering for modules, please be sure to view the Module Course Catalog to check times, start dates,...
Turambe Workshops Attendance
Hi Students, You are all mandated to complete the survey which requires you all to attend one Nutrition Workshop. Workshops take place... services
Hi All, Please note that as of 1st, December 2015, CfA & Kepler will no longer be providing services due to financial...
Mandatory Umuganda- 28th, Nov, 2015
Hi All, As usual, you are all requested to participate in "monthly Umuganda". On the due date, you need to meet at your respective sites...
Publishing SGA E-mail to Students
Hi Students, We would like to let you know that now there is an email <> which combines the whole committee. If any of you...
Lunch on Friday
Hi All, Please remember to fill out the lunch survey for Friday that has been sent in your emails, by Tomorrow at 10:00am to enable...
Internship Opportunities at CHABHA
Hi All, There are internship opportunities available at CHABHA, and only students from cohort 2014 are eligible to apply. Please note...
Change with Typing Practice Session-Closed
Hi All, There is a change with morning typing sessions for students who are still below 50 wpm. Starting on Wednesday, November 25, 2015,...
Speaker Series Annoucemen
Title: Guest speaker Gayatri Datar The Kepler Tech Lab would like to invite you to the next speaker series event on Tuesday, November...