Found an Internship?
Students who secure internship or full time jobs on their own should fill this form [Internship Form] form to update the employer...
The Call of Admissions Ambassadors
As the period for admission of the 2016 cohort is around the corner, it would be our pleasure to let the outside community get to know of...
Kepler Cares (Workshop Schedule)
There will be two workshops for all students: 1. Wellness, Health & Nutrition with Beata and Justine 2. Budgeting with Access Bank The...
Students Typing Test (Schedule Changes)
Cohort 2015 Typing Test will take place from 2:45 to 3:45 PM. The rooms did not change; only time changed. See the updated schedule...
Triple Work-Study Opportunities (closed)
You can still apply for the following work studies till September 14. Even Cohort 2015 students are eligible to apply for the first two:...
Featured Staff (Carrie Ellet)
Ms. Carrie has a passion of helping people, especially the young generation, reach their full potential. Her mission is to make sure...
Sports This Week
In order to make sure everyone in the Kepler community is benefiting from sports activities, now there are several options one can choose...
Stipend and Work Studies Payment
For students who have work studies, the work study payment will no longer come with stipend. The work study payment will come after...
The Top 7 Summer Bridge Highlights
Description Subsequent to a research carried down in order to understand how engaging the summer bridge activities were to the cohort...
DAP Session Introduction
Watch Carolyn introducing the "DAP Sessions". in this videos, she explains how to use a Kepler Suggestion Box, and where it can be found....