Sport Activities Restarting
Dear Students, We hope you had a smooth and productive start of the year. As you well know it is very important to have a good health,...
Sign-up Form for Sports Activities of the Next Week (Week of July 25th)
Big snaps to everyone who already participated in sports activities of this week. Remember, you can still attend Football session at...
Congratulations to Kepler Marathon Team
Congratulations to Kepler Marathon Team! The team, made of both students and staff, ran 21 Km yesterday in Kigali International Peace...
Marathon Announcement
Hello students, I am delighted to let you know that Kepler Marathon Team (made of 27 members) will participate in the 2016 Kigali...
Hepatitis B Vaccination May 23rd from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Hepatitis B Vaccination will take place on Monday May 23rd from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm for all students and staff who have received the 2...
Kepler Dance Class Song Requests
Hello Keplerians, As most of you know, we have dance classes in the Great Hall on Friday afternoons. This Friday, we will hold the class...
May 13, 2016 Collective Sports Activities
Hello Students, On this Friday (May 13, 2016), you are invited to participate in different collective sports activities such as...
This Friday's Collective Sports Activities
We are going to have collective sports activities on this Friday (May 6, 2016). We will have different sports activities such as...
Sign-up Sheet: Collective Sports Activities (4th March)
Find the sign-up sheet here. #annou #sportswellness #featured
Counseling Open Day [Friday, March 4, 2016]
Have you ever had a bad day or felt stressed? Do you know how you can take care of your mental health? You have got a chance to find...