Women's Nutrition Workshop
Ignore this email if you are not a Kepler Female Student. Dear Female Students, I am pleased to let you know that there is a workshop for...
Kepler Tech Lab Annoucement
We would like to invite you to listen to a series of 3 talks given by your very own students, Athanase Nzayisenga, Daniel Sibomana,...
Mandatory Student Meetings (January)
The January student meeting & cohort meetings are mandatory. Please make sure you plan ahead and communicate early with any outside...
Mandatory Student Meeting
Don't forget the all-students meeting on Monday the 14th at 8:30am. Please see the agenda here. The SGA secretary will take minutes at...
Task to Do after Turambe Workshop
Hi Students, After Turambe Workshop, you are encouraged to fill out this survey to insure Molly that you have achieved her goals. Again,...
Internship Opportunity from Women for Women International
Please, find the opportunity from Women for Women International. Note: The application is due on Sunday December 13, 2015 #internship
Benchmark Assessment & Potential Holiday
This is the link for the December Benchmark Assessment. Please plan your schedule accordingly. Additionally, there is a chance that...
Book Club for 2015 Students on Friday
All 2015 students will have book club on Friday at their regularly scheduled times due to the change in the student holiday event....
Kepler/Tulane University Partnership Associate
Here is the the link to the job posting. #workstudy
House Contributions
All students are required to contribute to their houses each month. Currently, several students are violating this policy. Any student...