Archbishop Tutu Fellowship Programme, Dec 2016
As AFLI’s flagship leadership development programme, the Tutu Leadership Fellowship Programme welcomes an elite group of Africa’s highest potential young leaders, representing a wide range of sectors. Offered on a part-time basis over six months, the Programme includes two 9-day Group Learning Modules with an impressive array of distinguished leaders and faculty. These are intensive interactive workshops; one at the historic Mont Fleur conference facility (South Africa), and the other split between Oxford University and London (UK). The video below explains effectively how our program works.
The Programme has been designed specifically for African leaders in consultation with our African faculty and advisors and with Oxford, whose famous tutorial style has been adopted. It provides participants with an intensive learning and broadening experience on the principles and application of leadership, and an opportunity to explore the issues and specific characteristics of leadership in Africa, as well as the global challenges and dimensions of an African leader.
The programme places emphasis on learning and experiencing, not teaching, offering a variety of formal and innovative informal learning opportunities to enhance the leadership capabilities of the candidate. Emphasis is also placed on peer interaction and feedback, and the participants highly value being able to share pan-African perspectives and experiences. Overall it provides a unique environment for mid-career self reflection on one’s leadership journey in transforming Africa, and has been described as life changing by many participants.
Between modules, Group Projects are undertaken. The objective of the project is for the group to develop solutions for some of the challenges that Africa is facing. This is an opportunity for participants to work through the scenario planning methodology and put it into practice. In addition, candidates are required to develop their own individual projects (in consultation with their mentors), and submit these in a year-end dissertation for peer review. Over the years, the range of these Community Projects has been extensive and impactful with a strong focus on the youth.
Upon completing the Programme, Tutu Fellows return to play active roles in their respective communities, countries and spheres of influence. Great value is placed upon becoming a member of an established exclusive and supportive network of Africa’s future leaders – the Tutu Fellows. As part of this network of global leaders, all Fellows are expected to attend AFLI alumni events, as well as function as ambassadors for the Fellowship across all segments of society.
Selection Process
As one would expect from a programme that targets the cream of Africa’s future leaders, who are deemed to bring about massive change throughout the continent, the selection of candidates for the Fellowship is rigorous and thorough.
Competition is extremely tough for the 20 fellowship places available; each year we receive over 200 top quality nominations from all over Africa, which are put forward by our existing Fellows, Partners and network of influential leaders.
Only once candidates have been nominated, may they submit an application to AFLI. In terms of selection criteria, AFLI emphasizes integrity, strong values and responsibility, courage and a demonstrated ability to lead and inspire. A candidate must demonstrate a commitment to Africa and to serving the greater community. We seek leaders not managers.
Key dates
Nominees must submit their applications by 15 January 2017. The next program is in April 2017.
The African Leadership Institute (AFLI)