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Dear Students,

This is to remind you that the deadline for payment of the fines is 15th October 2016. Fines are to now be paid using the Kepler RWF bank account (Generation Rwanda, I&M Bank, 00010­5001229­01­67 - your full name and cohort must be on the bank receipt or it will not be credited to your record) or in cash to the Registrar. The deadline for payment is the 15th of each of month.

After the deadline passes, penalties will be applied as outlined in the student handbook.

For those who have already paid using bank account, you are requested to submit your bank receipt to the Registrar.

See bellow penalties that will be applied

If students do not pay on time, there will be increasing consequences. They are as follows:

1. If the student is one day late, they will be charged a 2% penalty.

2. If the student is between 2 days late, they will be charged a 15% penalty.

3. If the student is more than 3-7 days late with payment, they will receive a 1% addition to the 15% penalty for each day it is late (Day 3 is 16% penalty, Day 4 is 17% and so on).

4. If the student is more than between 8-14 days late with payment, they will lose access to the Internet on campus for one week.

5. If they are more than 14 days late with payment, they will lose access to the Internet and CfA for one month.

6. If the student exceeds 21 days of payment, they lose access to attending class and absences will count toward the absence policy.

7. If a student is more than 28 days late with payment, they will lose one month of student housing.

8. Any late payments beyond 28 days will be dealt with on a case by case basis and can result in suspension.

Thank you for your collaboration

Let me know if you have any question

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