Monday Snaps
Innocent Mbanda 2015
Innocent has improved his performance in class, most especially due to the fact that he seeks feedback from instructors and from his peers before submitting his work. This shows that he is eager to learn.
Divine Isimbi 2015
Divine always seeks feedback from instructors and from peers and helps her colleagues by providing good feedback on their work before submitting. This helps her to have quality, especially in MOTB.
Jean Claude Uwiragiye 2015
Jean Claude Uwiragiye has improved his participation in class, he volunteers to lead discussions in class and showed improvement in presentation skills.
Jean Pierre Aminadabu 2015 and Josee Rwambara 2015
Both of them have improved in technology class. They go through materials before coming to class and they have increased their participation in the classroom.
Jean Luc Abayo 2015
He has been improving in his preparation for classes and actively participates by sharing his ideas/thoughts as well as asking good questions.
Evariste Nizeyimana 2015 & Abayo Jean Luc 2015
These two students always show positive attitude even when things seem to be tough or ambiguous.