Featured Student

Yvette Abijuru is a Kepler student in cohort 2013. She has been nominated as the featured student because she has been hired as the data manager in Kepler Kigali. Here below is an interview a Keep Up Kepler editor had with Yvette;
KUK: What is your position at Kepler?
Yvette: My position at Kepler is Data manager
KUK: How do you feel about getting a work-study at Kepler?
Yvette: I am feeling good because I am getting different experience as well as skills that will help me to build my career.
KUK: What do you think are advantages of working at Kepler than elsewhere?
Yvette: The advantage of working here at Kepler is to get more experience than any other place. Kepler community helps an individual to be more professional, hard worker and time manager.
KUK: What advice would you give to other students who wants to get a Kepler work study or job opportunities?
Yvette: The advice I can give them is to work hard and to be in good academic standing.