Own Your Drinking Bottle: ASAP
Hi All,
As you all have seen it before here on Keep up Kepler, everyone is required to have his/her own drinking bottle so that we can avoid spreading diseases in our community. To make sure everyone has a bottle, Kepler is going to purchase water drinking bottle for you and 2k will be deducted from your stipend for the next month.
Since some people has bottle already, we want to know how many people in need of bottle so that the purchase will be accordingly. Students in Tulane Program don't need to fill the survey as they have received a bottles for everyone in that program.
Access survey here and respond ASAP
1. Owning drinking a drinking bottle is mandatory for everyone at Kepler
2. During distribution, everyone will have to show his/her bottle if he responded yes.
3. Respond the survey ASAP, we need to know by the end of Thursday, 21st Jan 2016