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Help Us Find the Best Students for Cohort 2016

Dear Keplerians,

As students, you are also all ambassadors for the Kepler program. You have done an amazing job in helping us attract great applicants already, and we need your continued help. Here are some ways you can assist: 1. Come to the next Kepler Ambassador training, this Wednesday, from 4:45 to 5:30 pm, in the Great Hall. During that time, we will prepare you to be ambassadors in your communities over the holiday, give you appropriate documents to take to your community leaders to get permission to make presentations, provide you with extra fliers, etc. Please rsvp by email to, so we know how many students to prepare for. (But if you forget to rsvp, you can still attend). 2. Encourage students you know to apply to Kepler (if you think they will be a good fit). Remember that we keep track of the students who do the most referrals (and outreach), so encourage applicants to write your name in as the person who told them about Kepler. You can win a cool prize such as cash, or gorilla trekking, like Heritier did. 3. Take some fliers home with you to distribute in your hometown. As of Tuesday morning, there will be a box in the greeter's office with fliers. Take as many as you want. You may post them in local shops, give them out at umuganda, itorero, co-op meetings, church services, and other community events. We also encourage you to reach out to recent graduates from your secondary schools, and encourage them to apply. If you have any questions about the admissions process, you can contact Donnalee, Sylvia, or Jonas Munsabire (Cohort 2014). Thanks in advance for all your hard work to help us make Cohort 2016 the best ever!

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