Kepler Technology Policy November 2015 (updated)
The computing systems and resources of Kepler serve to support and enhance the academic mission of Kepler. Access to the computing systems and resources is a privilege to be used in effective, ethical and lawful ways that support the Kepler values.
The Kepler Computing Systems and Resources refers to, but is not limited to, Kepler Laptops, On-Campus Desktops, Televisions, Printers, Photocopiers, Projectors, Photo cameras, Video cameras, Microphone and Speakers and the Kepler Network (including any Kepler provided internet modems). Also, in this context, the Kepler Campus Community includes: all registered students, all employees (including Generation Rwanda staff), and all others associated with Kepler, including board members, retirees, volunteers, or contractors and visitors that are granted periodic user status.
Members are expected to use reasonable restraint in the consumption of the Kepler shared resources, and to use them in ways that do not interfere with the study, work or working environment of other users.
All students are expected to comply with the Kepler Technology policies both on and off campus.
It is acceptable to use the Kepler computing systems and resources for the following:
1) For purposes related directly to the learning process.
2) In the case of an internship, for the performance of necessary job-related tasks.
3) For limited amounts of personal use of e-mail and Internet access provided such activity does not interfere with the person's work schedule or responsibilities, or the mission of Kepler.
Users of the Kepler Laptops are responsible for bringing their laptops to class (as they are mandatory for attendance in class) and work.
Users are responsible and accountable for all actions performed using their accounts or computers. As such:
a. Users should maintain secure passwords for the laptops and all accounts assigned to them and are required to provide them if requested by the Kepler Admin or Technicians if requested.
b. Users should ensure and safeguard against others obtaining unauthorized access to their user accounts or laptops
c. Users should not share passwords or any other account access control information
d. Users should at all times make backup copies of their academic documents and other important personal files on partition drives or External peripherals like Hard drives, DVD, or Flash drives. Kepler shall not be responsible for any data loss while their computer is fixes by the Kepler Technology team.
Users of the Kepler Laptops are responsible for appropriate care and management of their laptops. As such:
Users should ensure that their laptops are always secure and aren’t stolen
Users should ensure to shut down or hibernate their laptops while in transit
Users are prohibited from selling their laptops or any related parts i.e. chargers
Users should ensure that fluids are kept away from their laptops to avoid damage
Users should discuss with the Technology Manager in the case any of the aforementioned occurs
Users are responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of any restricted data or information to which they have been granted access. As such:
a. Users should ensure that confidential information is not observed by others while working at a computer
b. Users should ensure that their computer screens are locked before leaving their computers unattended
c. Users should exercise discretion when printing confidential information which may be viewed or observed by unauthorized persons
d. Users may not copy, send, duplicate or transmit by any means, confidential data from the Kepler program for any purpose other than performance of Kepler or Generation Rwanda-related business.
Users must comply with all copyright and license conditions. As such:
a. Users must not move, copy or transfer programs, files or other forms of software from one computing system to another without proper authorization to do so.
b. Users must not distribute, sell or make available software to any person where prohibited by copyright or license.
c. Users must not access and use software belonging to or owned by Kepler without proper authorization and license rights.
Users must use computing resources only for the purposes for which they were authorized. As such:
Users must not use Kepler Computing Systems and Resources for private business use or for any form of direct personal financial gain without authorization.
Users must not use Kepler Computing Systems and Resources to build support for personal or political causes.
Users must not use Kepler Computing Systems and Resources for the creation, transmission, storage, access or viewing of materials which in any way contribute, support or promote actions which are prohibited on the basis of harassment and/or discrimination including but not limited to the categories of:
Sexual Harassment
Racial/Ethnic/Cultural Harassment;
Poisoned Environment
Hate Literature
Systemic Harassment/Discrimination
This restriction is not intended to interfere with legitimate and appropriate uses for teaching purposes.
Users must not use Kepler Computing Systems and Resources for the creation, transmission, storage, access, or viewing of materials prohibited by national and/or local laws, or which, in the sole opinion of Kepler, are offensive by community standards and values. These restrictions include, but are not limited to the following:
Any form of material supporting or contributing to the harassment or discrimination as categorized in restriction # 3.
Any form of pornographic, obscene or sexually explicit material.
Any form of illegal trade, negotiation or conspiracy to conduct illegal acts.
Users must not utilize the Kepler Computing Systems and Resources for the purpose of creation, development, storage, replication or transmittal of any program, code, subroutine or other means intended to disrupt, interfere, destroy or corrupt the normal operation of systems or data. (e.g., viruses, worms, hack utilities, net snooping utilities).
Only members of the Kepler Campus Community are allowed use of the Kepler Computing Systems and Resources.
Users must not use the Kepler Campus and Group House internet for illegal online content and explicit content.
Users must not have any (P2P) peer to peer software and they must not use any form of peer to peer and Bittorrent content available online.
Examples of P2P content include uTorrent, Vuze, Filezilla,Tor Browser, Bit Torrent and many others.
Users must not have decryption and proxy neutralizing software. Any form of software that allows users to bypass the Kepler firewall and settings is not allowed.
Any form of online video streaming and downloading applications that are not approved for academic purposes is not allowed. Apps like youtube downloading software, bit and uTorrenting software and Internet download manager are not allowed to be used on the Kepler network.
Progressive disciplinary measures are instituted in instances of minor violations. More serious offenses will result in immediate disciplinary measures aimed at safeguarding or protecting individuals or Kepler resources. For any violations of the Kepler Computing Systems and Resources, the Technician and the Director of Academic Programs along with the Dean of Students, shall determine the severity of the student’s actions, and the course of disciplinary action
Users of the laptops are fully responsible for the care, management and security of their laptops. As such :
Users are fully responsible for the cost of fixing a broken laptop if the laptop is damaged due to user neglect, mismanagement and or illegal software use. In these cases the students have the option to:
Have the laptop fixed by the Kepler Technician and pay the cost of fixing the laptop (equivalent to the average price in town for the repair). Neglect and mismanagement includes but is not limited to: dropping the computer, spilling liquids on the computer, exposing the computer to dust or rain, overheating the computer by using it on a surface such as a mattress, downloading any software that is not on the computer upon issue or that is requested that you download by a Kepler CF or administrator.
Have the laptop fixed at an outside shop. IF you decide on this option, you will forfeit any future repairs by the Technican at Kepler and will be required to have any future repairs done outside of Kepler at your own cost.
2. Users are fully responsible for the cost of replacement of a lost or stolen laptop. In the event of a lost or stolen laptop, the User has to report the incident to the Technology Manager as soon as possible. A replacement laptop must then be purchased from Kepler or from an approved outside vendor.
3. In the event of a lost or stolen laptop, deductions will be automatically made from the student’s stipend or the staff member’s salary on a monthly basis, until the full cost of a replacement laptop has been recovered. If a student leaves the program, and a laptop has been lost or stolen, they will owe Kepler the money and be considered in default until the laptop is paid for or replaced. If there is a delay in repayment, not letters of recommendation or acknowledgement of the student’s studies at Kepler will be provided until repayment is completed.
4. Internet misuse, including but not limited to the policies mentioned above, will result in a 5-school day ban from the Kepler Network. (e.g. if you violate a policy on Thursday, you will be banned from the network on Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.) During this time, students will still be held responsible for all academic work.
5. If your computer has crashed due to any unauthorized software, you will be required to pay for the repairs to the computer. (see #1) If repaired at Kepler, the Technician will wipe the computer and reboot. Kepler is not responsible for any data loss caused by the use of the mentioned unauthorized software.
When a borrowed item is returned in bad shape, the user shall be fully responsible for the damage. This could include buying a new device depending on the severity of the damage done to the item is or covering the cost of repair if the damage is minor. The technician will determine the outcome. The condition is tracked through the sign out process.
The SIM cards for the Kepler Group house internet shall only be used when all students are back at the Group house. Router and SIM cardS shall not be used during campus hours. In addition, group house SIM cards are not to be swapped. If there are any violations in the group house, members of the group house will lose Kepler supported Internet for a month and still be responsible for all academic work.
Kepler reserve the right to update and revise these policies from time to time, a copy of which can be found on the Kepler Drive.