Monday snaps
The following students deserve snaps, for their excellent work they have demonstrated last week.
1.Annick Mbabajende: Cohort 2015
Annick has improved her participation in class and she asks for feedback from instructors in order to improve her business skills.
2.Christian Muhire : cohort 2015
Christian had a Schedule,and in addition to that he is well prepared before coming to Prof Comp sessions.
3.Ernestine Niiyobuhungiro :cohort 2015
Ernestine is active in class and asks alot of questions.
4.Sandrine Nikuze: cohort 2014
Sandrine is our TA and she is so hardworking in Prof Comp Green team. She also gives supporting ideas during all the class sessions we normally have.
5.Norbert Nahayo: cohort 2015
Norbert gave feedback on Canvas for this week.
6.Laundry Sugira: cohort 2015
Laundry is always prepared before class.
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