Monthly Umuganda on Saturday
The last Saturday of every month between 7AM and 12PM everything in Rwanda stops. Or at least all the restaurants keep closed, markets are not operating and public and private transportation is limited. The reason behind the service limitation is Umuganda-Community Service. It is a very interesting phenomenon which is a strict rule recommended to all people who live in Rwanda (
As Kepler-Kigali community, we are also requested to participate in this mandatory service. For this reason, Kepler reserves a new policy of the Umuganda attendance to all students.
If a student fails to attend, s/he is supposed to do it for the whole week-2 hours per day. The students are not allowed to bring excuses of schedule conflict, if they fail to attend Umuganda during the weekend. Better to participate with others because Saturday is flexible for most of students. Lastly, the students who attend it on Sunday are also requested to attend at this time and report their activities.
Hence, on this upcoming Saturday October 31st, 2015, there is a Mandatory Umuganda which will be supervised and this document shows the sites of this service. Come one, come all!